3€ crédentiale jacquaire de la confrerie

lundi 19 août 2019


Our organization has declared its rebirth under the english name of Fellowship of Fellows and Companions.
The same spiritual background is kept.

But the means will change:

- Universal "tontine" beneficial to all its members (launched when a 2000€ or pounds would be possible each month on the basis of 20€ or pounds monthly fee)
- Privileged introduction to "Fellows" under Memphis-Misraïm and Emulation rite 
- Use of numeric means: visio for initiation, youtube for training in such various topics as blockchain, aquaponics, electricity, Ia, connected items, roofing, from the skills of members, certfied with universal openbadges
- Help for common natural dwellings with solar energy powered shared within members
- engagement for ecological goals
- the two rites include modern tools based on natural rediscovery of "quantic" practices hidden in natural symbolsfor all Companions and Fellows.


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